Getting Started

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to get your first Lantern product recommendation quiz live in less than 10 minutes.

step 1

Create a new quiz

Click "Create a new quiz", then choose a name for your quiz. A unique URL path will automatically be generated, but you can customize it if you want.

Tip: For an even easier way to get started use Lantern AI to generate your first quiz starting from the products you want to recommend.
step 2

Add questions and answers

Click on "Add Page", then choose the type of question you want to use (e.g. "Single Choice Question").

Enter your question by clicking on "Your question here", then add the options customers can choose from by clicking on "Add answer".

Repeat this step until you've added all the questions you want to ask.

Tip: Lantern offers many different types of questions, from multiple choice to text inputs. You can also add transition screens, a welcome page and an email capture page. If you need to create complex, conditional question flows take a look at logic jumps.
step 1

Match products to answers

In the top navigation menu switch from "Quiz Builder" to "Products". Scroll down and expand your target question.

Under each answer you will find a "Match Products" link which allows you to associate the products you'd like to recommend to customers when the choose that answer.

Tip: You can match products, variants or collections. You can also exclude products (a negative match), assign different weights to answers (if they're more important for determining the recommendations) and even display a match score.
step 2

Customize the look of your quiz

In the Quiz Builder, in the bottom left corner click on "Theme Settings". This will open a settings panel on the right side of the screen, which allows you to customize the background color, primary color, font family and logo used in your quiz, to match the rest of your store and brand.

Tip: You can also add custom CSS by clicking on "Edit Quiz Flow CSS". Use content blocks to add custom HTML, including images, videos and links. If you need to tweak the design in even greater detail you will find more style settings in the right side panel of each page.
step 1

Publish your quiz

When you're ready to go live with you quiz, navigate to "Publish". You can display your quiz in-store (on a page which uses the header, footer and CSS of your theme), on a standalone page (unaffected by your theme), in a popup or embedded anywhere in your store.

Tip: We recommend linking to the standalone version of the quiz from your top menu or through a prominent button at the top of your homepage. However, depending on your store setup, you may want to explore how the quiz can be displayed in-store, embedded or in a popup.