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Email capture

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Klaviyo Customizations

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Product updates

Set-up your Results Page

This guide explains how to configure and customize the Results Page of your Lantern quiz app on Shopify. On this Page, customers see their personalized product recommendations after completing a quiz.

After you’ve configured all the questions and answers and set up your product matching for your quiz, the next step is setting up your Results Page. Check out our help article for more information on how to match your products to answers.

The Results Page includes at the top, customizable text fields for a Header and a Sub-header where you can leverage data from property IDs that you’ve used throughout your quiz to create a personalized message for your quiz takers, improving engagement and encouraging conversions.

Here is an example of how we can use the property ID {{pet_name}} for our Header and Sub-Header and how it would look live.

1. Show/Hide Elements

This is the first feature category that you can customize from the right-hand side menu of the Results page.

1.1 Show Start Over allows users to restart the quiz even when they have reached the Results Page.

1.2 Show More Results will add a “View More” button that loads additional products on top of the number of product recommendations you show by default. You can show a maximum of 20 extra products but we recommend you keep this number lower for better conversion.

1.3 The Show Add To Cart button will include an add to cart button for each product recommendation so that quiz takers can select any product they want from their recommended options for checkout.

1.4 The Show Add All To Cart Button displays a button that allows quiz takers to add in bulk all visible product recommendations to the cart. This is most useful for types of quizzes where all products can be used together, e.g., a skincare routine.

1.5 Show Sold Out Products will allow Lantern to display product recommendations even if they are out of stock. Since the goal is to convert quiz takers that are not more informed and confident in their purchase we do not recommend doing this in general since it can affect your conversion rate.

1.6 Show Product Description allows you to include in the recommended product cart their product description directly from Shopify. Note this will take the entire description, which can result in different-size sections for different products, as seen below.

1.7 Show Short Description from Product Metafields is our recommended product description display method for the results page since it allows you to customize the size and the information you want to display for each product recommendation. Check out this article to learn more about setting up product metafields.

1.8 Show Match Block Above Add To Cart (ATC) emphasizes the relevance of quiz answers by clearly showcasing how well the recommended products align with customer inputs. This feature provides transparency and builds trust by allowing users to see the specific criteria met by each product. It encourages confidence in the recommendations and enhances the overall shopping experience by demonstrating the value of personalized matches.

2. Results Integrations

Under this section in the right-hand side menu, we offer a number of apps and theme integrations that mainly interact with the quiz results page. To learn more about how each individual integration works, please check out our Integration Resources.

We integrate with some of the most popular review apps, such as, Yotpo, Stamped, Loox, Rivyo,, and more. To connect your review app, simply select it from the drop-down menu.

For Side Cart/Cart drawers we integrate with the  Rebuy Smart Cart and Corner Cart Drawer apps as well as a few popular built-in theme cart drawers for Dawn, Impact,  Focal, Split and  Concept. Check out our help article to learn more about integrating with the cart drawer option on these Shopify themes. This offers your quiz takers a more seamless checkout experience from the results page.

Subscription apps are another integral part of how your Results Page looks like and Lantern offers a significant number of integrations to choose from such as Recharge, Skio, Utterbond, Loop, BOLD, Seal subscriptions, and more. Please check out their individual help articles to learn more about the particularities of each integration.

3. Product Recommendations

Product recommendations are a crucial element of the Results Page, helping customers find the most relevant products based on their quiz responses. Configuring these settings allows you to customize how recommendations are displayed and ensures they align with your customers' needs.

3.1 The Hide Default Recommendations setting allows you to hide the default product suggestions, mostly if you want to use only Dynamic Content Blocks to display results. This option provides flexibility to use tailored text and product recommendations and could be a better fit, for example, for skin care routines.

Checkout this article to learn more about setting up and using Dynamic Content Blocks.

Under Dynamic Content Blocks, you can also create score-based recommendations that fit your customers' needs based on the score they get on the quiz. You can check out our help article here on setting up Score Based Product Recommendations.

3.2 The Total Product Recommendations setting lets you control the number of products displayed. While up to 10 products can be shown, our stats show that 3 are best to prevent decision fatigue. You can also adjust how products are displayed on desktop and mobile devices. One product per row is ideal for smaller screens, while up to three products per row works well on desktops for better alignment and aesthetics.

3.3 The Match Score Threshold feature helps you filter products by setting a minimum match percentage. For example, setting the threshold to 80% ensures that only products with a score representing at least 80% of the total score possible in the quiz will be displayed.

If you’ve assigned custom weights to quiz answers, the Total Weight Threshold will do the same, but using direct values such as only products that have at least 80 points from the quiz will be displayed for a threshold of 80.

Please refer to our dedicated help article to learn more about what this means and how to set up your product matching.

3.4 The Match Score Format option provides flexibility in how scores displayed when hovering over the information icon on each product recommendation are presented. You can choose to display the score as a fraction (e.g., 8/10), a percentage (e.g., 80%), or hide it altogether.

3.5 The Sorting Priority feature determines the order of products when multiple recommendations have the same match score. You can prioritize by price (lowest or highest), alphabetical order, or random order. For instance, if three products score 100%, you can decide whether to highlight the most affordable option first or let the system display them in a random order for variety.

4. URLs

Managing link behaviors and redirects on your Results Page allows you to further customize customer experience and track quiz activity.

The Open Links in New Tab feature allows quiz result or product links to open in a separate browser tab, giving customers the flexibility to explore without losing their place in the quiz.

Enabling Use URL Tracking Parameters allows you to add custom UTM parameters to your links for detailed performance analysis on platforms like Google Analytics. For more information on setting up UTM parameters, refer to our help article.

Below, instead of displaying results on the Results Page, you can redirect users to a specific URL after completing the quiz. Similarly, you can set a custom URL for the "View More" button or provide a fallback URL for cases where no results are found. These settings can cover some edge case scenarios, such as when no results are found, to help maintain a positive customer experience.

5. Advanced Settings

5.1 The Tag Orders feature allows you to add tags to orders placed by customers who interacted with your quiz.  The tag name is fully customizable for each individual quiz.

5.2 With the Create Customer in Shopify option, you can automatically generate customer profiles for quiz participants who place orders. This feature streamlines customer management and ensures accurate records, making it easier to engage with customers in the future.

5.3 The “Customer Needs to Confirm Marketing Consent via email” option ensures compliance with GDPR regulations based on your location and the legal requirements your business falls privy to; please ensure you follow the legal practices required that apply to your business.

5.4 The Add Customer Tags feature lets you assign specific tags to customers who interact with your quiz. You can add multiple tags, separated by commas, to categorize customers based on their quiz responses or purchasing behavior. This feature is particularly effective for segmentation and targeted marketing.

To learn more about adding customers to Shopify using the Lantern quiz, visit our comprehensive help article.

5.5 Finally, the Return to Results Page Automatically option allows customers to revisit their results if they access the quiz link again. This enhances usability by ensuring customers can easily view their recommendations without retaking the quiz. If customers wish to retake the quiz, they can click the Start Over button, provided this feature is enabled.

Quick Setup Recommendations

For a fast and effective Results Page setup, we recommend some of our top customizations below that will ensure you get the most impact from your product recommendations:

  1. Customizing the Header and Sub-header: Engage customers with targeted messaging and make that even more personalized by using quiz property IDs (e.g., customer name).
  2. Setting a Match Score Threshold: Balance relevance and inclusivity to ensure meaningful product matches with a threshold that always includes product recommendations. We recommend testing a few quiz paths to ensure this happens.
  3. Optimizing for Mobile and Desktop: Use 1 product per row on mobile and up to 3 products per row on desktop for optimal quiz display that works well on all devices and with all quiz display methods.
  4. Reviewing Integrations: Connect with all the apps you currently use, such as review apps, subscription apps, or cart drawers, to ensure that quiz takers' experience is consistent and seamless throughout the quiz and your website.

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