General Settings
Under the first section, General Settings, you can change the quiz name and slug and also customize your Finish Later Redirect URL. This is the URL coming from the default Finish Later link text. To learn more about how you can customize what this link says, please check our help article on how to change the default wording in your quiz.
Tracking code
Lantern offers Advanced Analytics, a powerful built-in tool designed to give you deeper insights into how users interact with your quizzes. With seamless integration with third-party tools like Google Analytics, you can track a wealth of user behavior and conversion data without needing any custom coding.
For tracking tools that Lantern doesn’t yet offer full integration with, you can still add custom JavaScript tracking codes through the Settings section of your quiz. This allows you to manually integrate 3rd party tracking platforms by inserting the necessary code. Lantern organizes tracking code sections into two areas:
- Code to be inserted in the head of the page
- Code that belongs in the body of the page
If you're using third-party tools, you'll need to follow the specific instructions provided by the analytics platform to generate the required JavaScript code and manually install it into the relevant sections of your quiz—similar to how you would add tracking to a website.
For additional support with installing custom tracking or integrating third-party tools, we recommend Storetasker, a trusted Lantern partner. They have helped thousands of Shopify merchants hire expert freelancers for anything related to their store setup and customization.
SEO Settings
Lastly, on the page, you will find some settings related to SEO for your quiz. You will be able to add a meta title, description, and image to your quiz page. On top of that, you can also add a URL where you store your favicon to make your quiz page blend seamlessly with your website.